
Network Sonification

Degree final year project. A software application written in C++ to monitor the data on a computer network and present it to the user both graphically and aurally to aid network analysis and diagnostics. It uses the libpcap library for packet capture and the JUCE class library for audio synthesis and user interface design.
User Interface


dS Interfaces

2 interactive evolutionary computation interfaces developed for the danceroom Spectroscopy (dS) project. A single user, grid based interface programmed in the JUCE C++ library and a collaborative, web based interface programmed in HTML and Javascript using node.js. Recombination code written in C++ also used to power tangible IEC (TIEC) devices for the program.

C++ Synthesiser

A standalone synthesiser application written in C++ using the JUCE class library that takes MIDI in and produces audio out. Uses a lock-free FIFO ring buffer for reliable contiguous memory access between threads.
Synth GUI

	Augmented Guitar

Augmented Guitar

Accelerometer attached to the neck of a guitar used to control a pitch shift effect by moving the neck up and down and control the modulation rate of a vibrato effect by shaking back and forth. Slider to control the input gain of a distortion effect and some buttons and LEDs for interaction and feedback. Readings sent via an x-OSC board to Max/MSP patch using guitar as input.

Reverb Plugin

A cascaded multi-stage reverberator written in C++ that uses a large number of delay taps fed into an IIR system with a feedback matrix multiplier to create a natural sounding reverb effect. Parameters controlled via a simple C++ GUI.
Reverb Plugin

Synth GUI

Vocal Synthesiser

Formant based speech synthesiser designed to be used in a musical context. Programmed in C++ using the STK toolkit and a JUCE wrapper. Based on an exciter-resonator model with a band-limited pulse generator as the input for maximum harmonic content with minimal CPU load.

Recording Projects

4 very different projects recorded using a variety of microphones and techniques. Recorded, mixed and mastered by myself and others.
Drum Mics

iOS App

iOS App

An audio based iOS app written in Objective-C using the PAE engine framework. It is an ear-training tool designed to help develop the ability to identify specific frequencies using both pure sine tones and frequency altered music loops.

Generative Soundscape

A generative soundscape written in Max/MSP based on a video game-like dungeon environment. It has multiple stages that the user progresses through linearly, ultimately ending with a interactive “boss fight”. All sound effects recorded and mixed by myself.
Reverb Plugin